1.從安裝到使用 Scratch 寫程式控制 Tello
With just a double-click, you can convert a bunch of PDF files placed in the "input" folder into their respective Word documents.
最近遇到了問題,希望能將一堆PDF轉成各自的WORD,然後再進行編輯。目前市面上有類似的網站,可以提供PDF轉WORD。偏偏有些機密的PDF就不適合放到那些網站進行轉檔,怕洩密。若要不洩密,仍要轉檔成WORD,則需要購買版權。剛好,Python 就有PDF轉成DOCX的套件。但是需要填入檔名,一個一個地轉。因此,希望能夠有一種程式,只要將一堆的PDF放進INPUT資料夾,接著點兩下,相對應的WORD就會出現。
Recently, I encountered a problem and I hope to be able to convert a bunch of PDF files into individual Word documents for editing. Currently, there are similar websites available in the market that offer PDF to Word conversion. However, some confidential PDF files are not suitable for uploading to those websites for conversion due to security concerns. If I want to convert them to Word without compromising security, I would need to purchase a license. Luckily, there is a Python package available for converting PDF to DOCX. However, it requires filling in the file name and converting them one by one. Therefore, I would like to have a program where I can simply place a bunch of PDF files in the input folder, double-click, and the corresponding Word documents will be generated.
最近在xubuntu 18.04 LTS 安裝 apache2、php 7.2、phpmyadmin與 MariaDB。當我進入phpmyadmin,出現這樣的錯誤訊息:
Warning in ./libraries/sql.lib.php#613
count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
$sudo cp /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/sql.lib.php /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/sql.lib.php.bak
$sudo geany /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/sql.lib.php
3.將 (count($analyzed_sql_results['select_expr'] == 1) 改為((count($analyzed_sql_results['select_expr']) == 1),實際上只是要新增個括號 )
由於Windows 10 x64 版本1809 LTSC 電腦想要觀看蘋果手機的照片,但是照片副檔名卻是HEIC。找谷歌大神求助,發現都要從Miscrosoft store 下載 HEIF extensions 模組。由於某些原因,現在的Windows 10 x64 版本1809 LTSC 電腦無法從Miscrosoft store 下載 HEIF extensions 模組。換言之,現在的Windows 10 x64 版本1809 LTSC 電腦不能看蘋果手機的照片。那我要如何解決這個問題?
再次找谷歌大神求助,發現資料來源1.1. Windows直接開啟瀏覽HEIF(.heic)格式的照片檔、轉檔JPEG-CopyTrans HEIC for Windows。其中的Windows HEIC照片檢視器,可以免費下載後安裝。安裝完畢後,就可以觀看蘋果手機的照片
@echo off
start %~dp0\IpQRcode\hfs.exe %~dp0\IpQRcode\1.vfs
start %~dp0\IpQRcode\IpQRCode.exe
系列文章: 1. 只要點兩下,就能將一堆的Doc與Docx 轉成 PDF 1. https://skjhcreator.blogspot.com/2023/05/docdocx-pdf.html 2. 只要點兩下,就能將一堆的JPG轉成一個PDF,並以JPG所在的資料夾名稱為...