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2024年9月30日 星期一


        由於系列文章1~4 都是在Input資料夾內討論 Word 與 Pdf 互轉。面臨到資料夾內有子子孫孫資料夾,子子孫孫資料夾內有Word。那要如何將所有子子孫孫資料夾內的所有Word找出,並將之轉換成PDF?換句話說,可不可以有個程式,能夠將整理好的資料夾內所有Word 通通轉成PDF,即便資料夾內有很多個子資料夾,子資料夾內又有子資料夾。不管在哪個資料夾內的Word 都要將其找出並轉成PDF,轉出的PDF就在相對應的Word旁。

Since articles 1 to 4 discuss the conversion between Word and PDF within the Input folder, we are faced with the situation where there are nested subfolders containing Word documents. How can we find all the Word documents in these nested subfolders and convert them into PDF? In other words, is it possible to have a program that can convert all the Word documents in the organized folder, regardless of how many subfolders there are, and even if those subfolders contain their own subfolders? We need to find all the Word documents no matter where they are located within the folder structure and convert them into PDFs, with the resulting PDFs saved next to their corresponding Word files.

Here is the website where you can download the program and find instructions:
Download。Extraction Password: demo1234
使用教學(Instructional videos):

2024年9月26日 星期四



         In 2024, the disk space of student computers in the computer classrooms of elementary and secondary schools in Changhua County is divided into two partitions: C and D. The C partition undergoes system restore on boot, while the D partition does not. Therefore, students tend to store their data on the D partition. In other words, students use the D partition to create their own entertainment, which can disrupt their focus during class. If students are allowed unrestricted access to the D partition, they may become inattentive in future information technology classes. We hope to reduce the workload of the IT coordinator or the personnel maintaining the computer classrooms, allowing them to simply double-click to automatically clear student data from the D partition after booting the computers.

         問題描述:如何在Windows 10 或 Windows 11 作業系統,在開機時自動執行系列文章1.只要點兩下,就可以一鍵清除2024年彰化縣中小學電腦教室學生機電腦D槽內學生資料。將系列文章1.只要點兩下,就可以一鍵清除2024年彰化縣中小學電腦教室學生機電腦D槽內學生資料。的程式放入開機執行的資料夾即可。開機執行的資料夾為%HomePath%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\

       Problem Description: How to automatically execute a program on startup in Windows 10 or Windows 11 that can clear student data from the D partition of student computers in the computer classrooms of elementary and secondary schools in Changhua County with just a double-click. To achieve this, place the program that clears the student data into the startup folder. The startup folder is located at %HomePath%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.

Here is the website where you can download the program and find instructions:
Download。Extraction Password: demo1234
使用教學(Instructional videos):

@echo off
@echo off
REM :: BatchGotAdmin (Run as Admin code starts)
REM --> Check for permissions
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"
REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
echo Requesting administrative privileges...
goto UACPrompt
) else ( goto gotAdmin )
echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
exit /B
if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" )
pushd "%CD%"
CD /D "%~dp0"
REM :: BatchGotAdmin (Run as Admin code ends)
REM :: Your codes should start from the following line
move "%~dp0StuPCdelDall.exe" "%HomePath%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\"



        In 2024, the disk space of student computers in the computer classrooms of elementary and secondary schools in Changhua County is divided into two partitions: C and D. The C partition undergoes system restore on boot, while the D partition does not. Therefore, students tend to store their data on the D partition. In other words, students use the D partition to create their own entertainment, which can disrupt their focus during class. If students are allowed unrestricted access to the D partition, they may become inattentive in future information technology classes. We hope to reduce the workload of the IT coordinator or the personnel maintaining the computer classrooms, allowing them to simply double-click to automatically clear student data from the D partition after booting the computers.


        Oh! There is already a method to directly clear the data on the D partition in the computer. Just right-click on the D partition, and a dropdown menu will appear. Then select "Format."

Just click on "Start," and you're good to go.
Moreover, the formatting speed is quite good. You can quickly proceed to clear the data on the next computer. So why do we still need to develop a program?

        問題描述:D槽空間原本就有兩個基本資料夾,這兩個資料夾名稱分別是os 與ventoy。如果對D槽進行快速格式化,這兩個資料夾就會被格式化掉。接下來就會導致系統崩潰。希望這兩個資料夾能夠保留,並且清空D槽內學生自建資料。

        Problem Description: The D partition originally contains two basic folders named "os" and "ventoy." If a quick format is performed on the D partition, these two folders will be erased, which could lead to system crashes. We hope to retain these two folders while clearing out the student-created data within the D partition.

Here is the website where you can download the program and find instructions:
Download。Extraction Password: demo1234
使用教學(Instructional videos):

Ubuntu 22.04 建立PHP 7.3 的網頁伺服器LAMP 相關備忘

        最近,要將網頁Xoops 移機到虛擬機。需要將虛擬機內的LAMP環境弄成原先LAMP環境。經查詢,發現原先LAMP環境如下: 所以,開始要進行相關的措施: 一、系統更新: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade 二、安裝a...